逾10年私人補習、校內及補習社教班經驗, 曾到著名Investment Bank 及跨國金融公司工作, MBA, 學生包括本地傳統名校生、國際學校學生、大學商學院學生、外國留學生、現職會計及金融從業員等, DSE學生均獲5 - 5**, IGCSE學生均獲A - A*, IB 學生均獲6 - 7 points, AL 學生均獲A - A*, BBA & MBA 學生均獲A
教學進修 / 補習Creissant

Price:HKD 268,000 (Urgent) Category: Cars Region: Yuen Long Main Features Colour: White Seats: 5 Capacity(cc): 2000 Mileage(km): Transmission: Others Licence till: 未出牌 Year: 2008

To Kwa Wan Office Available. Perfect investment due to two new MTR Stations and Urban Redevelopment.

Whether new or used, the company specializes in the purchase of vehicles from various European countries and Japan.
G汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠Gainfull Motors Trading Ltd.

car insurance; motor financing, auspicious car plate number; repair & maintenance services; supply of car parts; motor inspection and car grooming services, etc.

SocialPlus aim to provide a casual social platform for YOU to meet new friends, business partners and companions

蚂蚁矿工DAYUN ZIG Z1(6.8 GH / S)ASIC K5,D3,S9j,矿工+电源 哈希算法:Lyra2REv2耗电量(W):1200 处理速度(GH / s):6.8型号: Z1 兼容货币:比特币采矿硬件:ASIC

三星Galaxy S20 Ultra(5G)G988N 256GB宇宙灰金鱼草865 模型: SM-G988N 网络:解锁操作系统:Android 存储容量:256 GB合同:无合同 SIM卡插槽:单SIM卡连接:4G,4G +,5G 牌: 三星 功能:Nano SIM 存储卡类型:MicroSD型号:SM-G988N 制造商颜色:宇宙灰RAM:12 GB 处理器:Octa核心颜色: 灰色 屏幕
e買賣及批發 / 電子產品electronglobals

牌: 苹果 制造商颜色:深空灰色 模型: 苹果iPhone 11 Pro Max 相机解析度:12.0 MP 风格:酒吧MPN: MWH42LLA 存储容量:256 GB功能:防尘,面部识别,广角摄像头,快速无线充电,超广角摄像头,OLED显示屏,防水,HDR显示屏,三合一后置摄像头,快速充电,远摄镜头,eSIM ,4K视频录制

佳能EOS 6D Mark II数码单反相机机身26.2 MP全画幅 产品主要特点 颜色黑色 具有可互换镜头,曝光补偿,720p高清视频录制,仅机身,1080p高清视频录制 系列佳能EOS 产品重量24.16盎司 类型数码单反 连接性USB 制造商颜色黑色
e攝影及影音 / 攝影electronglobals


Brand New多元化服務包括汽車美容,結晶鍍膜,汽車打蠟,汽車維修,汽車蒸籠,全車翻新,易手汽車檢驗,代辦政府驗車等服務......

提供現場音樂 :小提琴/大提琴/結他/鋼琴 ,音響設備及音響人員,編曲服務
M結婚 / 婚禮演奏Mitis Chamber Live Music

上門電腦維修 熱線:5308 2886 九龍香港新界 家居公司團體 由多位資深電腦工程師分別支援不同地區

Love360 believe that modern singles deserve a better way to meet new people as this is probably your first date.

This was not only for the huge saving in weight and greater strength, but also a perfect solution to the age old problems that occurred with the use of wood.
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠 財利船廠有限公司

This was not only for the huge saving in weight and greater strength, but also a perfect solution to the age old problems that occurred with the use of wood.
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠 財利船廠有限公司
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